Interface Converter SSW-Blue

The SSW/BLUE interface converter is a serial device server with which any device with the RS232 interface can be operated over a Bluetooth connection. The device provides a transparent and serial interface, covering distances up to 100 meters.

The device can be freely configured over the serial interface.

The display elements are very clear: two green LEDs, with one displaying send activity and the other receive activity, while another green LED displays the existing network connection and a red LED displays operational readiness.

  • Connector: D-sub 9-pin male
  • Transfer speed: 300 bps – 230,400 bps
  • 7 or 8 data bits
  • 1 or 2 stop bits
  • no, even, odd parity
  • Control lines: RTS, CTS
  • Flow control: XON/XOFF, RTS/CTS
  • Interface: Bluetooth, class1
  • Range of up to 100 metres
  • Security PIN Code
  • Dimensions: 68mm x 84mm x 24mm
  • Weight: 120g
  • Electricity supply via AC adaptor 5.6V 500mA
  • Power consumption max. 250mA
